Please make an appointment by visiting our Consulting Room.
How to Book an Appointment
You can make an appointment in the following ways:
- Visiting our Consulting Room
- Online at: SystmOnline
- By calling the surgery
Please make a separate appointment for each patient.
Appointments are booked at 10 minute intervals but we realise that some problems may take longer than others. If the surgery does not run strictly to time, please be patient.
Types of appointment
Do you need a routine or a same day appointment?
In common with other practices, we operate a full appointments system, with different types of appointments available throughout the day.
Routine appointments
These are for non-urgent problems that can wait. You will be given the option of having a remote appointment. This will normally be via video. You simply need access to a computer or smartphone.
Same day (Acute) appointments
These are for urgent problems that cannot wait more than 24 hours. We have a strictly limited number of same day appointments available each day for patients whose problems have come on quickly or whose problems have suddenly got worse. We try to ensure that these limited number of appointments are used appropriately. This system is to ensure that patients who need to be seen urgently can be seen within government recommended timescales.
If you feel you need to be seen urgently the same day, please contact reception. The doctor on duty may ring you to ask for more information about your condition so that it may be dealt with in the appropriate manner.
If you have chest pain, or suspect a stroke has occurred please do not ring for an appointment. Please ring 999 immediately.
Long-Term Condition Management
We strive to be proactive in the management of long-term conditions. Managing your long-term condition helps keep you well and prevents you needing urgent medical attention. Any patient with a long-term condition is seen at least once a year for a long-term condition review. We will contact you by SMS to make the appointment for both investigations and review.
The review appointment can now be completed by video consultation at a time to suit. Our long-term condition process is delivered by our excellent team of prescribing ACPs under the supervision of our GPs. Our long-term condition management performance is exceptional when compared to local, regional and national standards. To save you time we can now review all your long-term conditions at one appointment.
Cancel appointments
Pease let us know if you need to cancel an appointment, by completing our form online, or by calling us on 01159 440088.