Patient charter

The rights and responsibilities of patients

Patients’ rights

  • To be greeted courteously
  • To absolute confidentiality
  • Any delay in meeting appointment times will be due to medical necessity – where there is a delay in excess of 30 minutes, patients have a right to be informed and to make an alternative appointment
  • To information about their own health and choices, particularly:
    • the illness and its treatment
    • alternative forms of treatment
    • likely outcome/s of the illness
  • To access their health records subject to any limitation in the law and to know that those working for the practice are under a legal duty to keep contents of records confidential
  • To be offered advice on:
    • steps they can take to promote good health and to avoid illness, e.g. smoking, exercise, diet, immunisation
    • self-help which can be undertaken without reference to a nurse, health visitor or doctor in the case of minor ailments
  • To be kept informed of services available by means of the practice’s brochure, noticeboards, leaflets and website
  • To receive urgent medical attention and priority in a medical emergency even when this means a delay to booked appointments
  • The choice whether or not to take part in research or training
  • To benefit from a new patient health check, to identify any potential medical problems and to offer timely interventions
  • A choice of services when referral is deemed necessary
  • To make any suggestions to improve services
  • To make complaints that will be dealt with promptly in accordance with NHS procedures
  • To obtain repeat prescriptions within 2 working days of request during normal working hours

Patients’ responsibilities

  • Courtesy to all staff at all times. Receptionists have a very difficult and stressful job and are working under doctors’ orders. There is a zero tolerance policy to violence or abuse towards all staff and other patients. The penalty for violating this rule is immediate removal from the practice list
  • To attend appointments on time or to give the practice adequate notice that they wish to cancel – lateness or non-attendance inconveniences other patients and wastes valuable appointment time. There is a cancellation option on the telephone menu where patients can leave a message if no-one is available to answer the call. Patients can also cancel their appointment by completing the cancel an appointment form. Patients who persistently fail to attend for a booked appointment where there are no reasonable explanations will be warned and then removed from the list
  • Attending surgery for review of repeat medication, or chronic condition, when requested to do so by clinical staff, or admin staff acting on their behalf
  • An appointment is for one person only where another member of the family needs to be seen or discussed, another appointment should be made
  • Appointments are for ten minutes. If you think you need a longer appointment please request this while booking
  • Home visits are for terminally ill or housebound patients only. Please bring children to surgery
  • Out-of-hours calls, e.g. evening, night and weekends, should only be made if they are felt to be a medical emergency
  • Repeat prescriptions should be ordered in good time to ensure that they do not run out