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Patient Participation Group

We would like to know how we can improve our service to you and how you perceive our surgery and staff.

We have a well established patient’s group that meets throughout the year usually on a Wednesday evening from 6:30pm. The group meets with both the practice manager and medical staff and works toward improving patient services.

Join our Patient Participation Group

If you would like to join the group and can offer some time commitment please contact Richard Page, practice manager on 0115 9440088. Richard will be happy to chat and also put you in touch with our fabulous PPG chair, Mr Stephen Webster.

Alternatively to join:

Virtual Patient Representation Group

We also wish to establish a ‘virtual patient representation group’ so that you can have your say. We will ask the members of this representative group some questions from time to time, such as what you think about our opening times or the quality of the care or service you received. We will contact you via email and keep our surveys succinct so it shouldn’t take too much of your time.

We aim to gather around a hundred patients from as broad a spectrum as possible to get a truly representative sample. We need young people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.

If you are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email then please contact Richard Page, practice manager on 0115 9440088.

PPG report and action plan

The action plan agreed by the PPG and practice in response to the survey carried out in 2013/2014 can be found below:

Establishing a Patient Reference Group (PRG)

The ability to consult with a representative sample of our patients is a key priority for the surgery. We are achieving this by the creation of a Patient Reference Group or PRG. The PRG essentially being a panel of patients that for example could be asked to respond to surveys and questionnaires that affect the surgery or services provided.

This year the annual patient survey was available via the internet and as a result we have a list of patients of varying age, gender, ethnicity and frequency of attendance that are representative of the mix of patients at the surgery.

During 2013/4 we intend to increase the size of the PRG.

Setting the priorities for the annual survey

Possible survey topics were discussed with the Patient Participation Group (PPG) at the September meeting. It was agreed to undertake a general satisfaction survey in a nationally recognised format with the inclusion of specific questions regarding to how and when to access the service.

Designing and undertaking the patient survey

The survey selected and agreed between the Practice and the PPG was the 2013 GPAQ v4 questionnaire, developed by the Universities of Cambridge and Manchester, with the addition of agreed questions relating to patient preference for accessing and how to access services.

The patient survey was promoted both online and in the surgery during November 2013.

85 responses were received. Analysis of gender, age, ethnicity and frequency of attendance showed a satisfactory representative mix of responses.

Analysis of the patient survey and discussion of the results with the PPG

The survey results were published on the practice website at the start of January 2014. All information was published including the specific patient comments. Copies of the survey results were also made available in the surgery reception.

Responses to key questions on the level of patient satisfaction in relation to access, staff, opening hours and ratings of the service where compared to past surveys. The high level of satisfaction of previous surveys being maintained without erosion and responses compared favourably to regional norms where data was available.

The survey results were discussed with the GP Partners and key priorities identified.

The PPG meeting in March 2014 main business item was discussion of the survey results, consideration of key priorities and agreement of an action plan for 2014/5.

Following the PPG Meeting the following was agreed.

Action plan

The priorities agreed during the PPG meeting on the 12th March 2014 were captured within the following action plan. The action plan being available both online and within the reception area. The overarching principle of the action plan being to enable ‘you told us this, we did this’ on all priorities.

The PPG to work with practice staff to deliver the action plan.

The annual patient survey for future years then being able to assess the success of these priorities and consider further service developments.

Getting through to the Practice via telephone1) Consider a telephone call waiting service as opposed to the engaged tone2) Advertising campaign ‘call before 10’. This will advise patients at which time of the day to call for what services to reduce demand between 0800 and 0900.1) Obtain cost and appraise the business case.2) Patient survey and consultation with the PRG
Increase online access1) Promote the online services both within reception, online.1) System1 data to demonstrate uptake from present level
Signposting services1) Making patients aware the GP is not the only service option. Suggesting nurse appointments, pharmacy and self-help1) Reviewing nature and type of nurse appointments throughout 2014/5
Flexible opening hours1) More promotion of the Wednesday evening Extended Opening Hours Service both online and in reception1) Assess service usage patterns throughout 2014/5

Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 5 December 2024